Staging Trussing & Lighting, S.L.
Company overview
Strong and Strong Stage are trademarks of Staging Trussing & Lighting, S.L. , company that since 1988 is specialized in producing, designing and integrating infrastructure and equipment of lighting, audio, video for entertainment, architectural lighting and communications.
Initially it was the manufacture and distribution of lighting components dedicated to leisure and entertainment business. Afterwards, design and projection of full equipment was becoming more important. As a result, Staging Trussing & Lighting, S.L. incorporated a new division, in this case of professional audio and video, and intended to meet the broader needs that are demanded by the sector and thus to promote the integration of all the necessary elements in any event related either to the show, industry or corporative presentations of all kinds.
We have delegations and technical and commercial staff in certain areas of Spain, and we are opening new areas of action in the European Community, countries of the Middle and Far East and Latin America.
We have our own engineering and development department, not only to design our standard products but to deal with singular projects.
Supply, installation, startup and maintenance are also offered, which means a total commitment to customers.
Our challenge is to advance on this relationship, providing solutions to the needs expressed and ensuring the required operation to our customers.
It is our common goal and we want to share with you.
