Enginnering for scenics arts

Strong Stage is the Staging Trussing & Lighting, S.L. division dedicated to design and install all kind of systems and equipments for theatres and scenic spaces. This includes stage machinery, stage clothes, elevation systems, professional lighting, metallic structures, etc. Most of our clients are theatres, cultural rooms, multipurpose spaces, auditoriums, act rooms, TV studios, etc.
We are specialised in:
Analyse each situation and make customising designs depending on the installation.
Integrating production of the projects.
Producing a wide range of standard products and developing customized products to give the best service on every project.
More than 300 projects made are the best guarantee of our success.
Stage machinery
We offer any mechanical system to be installed within a stage, both in standard and customized production when it is required. Inside an infrastructure, we install fly facilities to support any stage element (lighting projectors, scenery, scenic clothing...), stage lifts for orchestras or actors, variable speed motors, chain motors, etc.
Most of them are manufactured in our factory in Barcelona, and some others come from the most prestigious international brands. All these products are always manufactured according to today’s security regulations.

Fly facilities
We have 3 different systems to support the scenic elements and we install each one depending on the weight of the element. Our professional team will decide which the best solution is in each case.
Manual system: To support low weight elements (curtains, some scenery…)
Motor system: To support heavy weight elements (lighting projectors, big scenery…)
Counterweight system: To support scenic elements with 500kg of weight as maximum.
Metallic structures
The Technical Department of Strong Stage is prepared to execute any calculation related with the structural support necessary for the installation of fix or movable elements in scenic space.
Depending on the specific characteristics of the building it will be proceed with the calculation of the structure, considering at the same time, present and future needs of space in order to avoid problems in any aspect.
Structure of the scenic space: All the metallic elements that constitute the joint armour of the stage and that support other elements to be assembled.
Upper Flyloft: Mechanical structure located over the flyloft for supporting the heaviest loads like electromechanical motors, etc.
Flyloft: Accessible intermediate ceiling in the upper part of the fly tower where mechanical pulleys for manual bars, bar hoist, point hoist, etc. can be placed.
Fly Galleries: Located on the sides of stage, they are accessible and used for operating from different points and levels
Bridges: Located at backstage , they are used for the purpose of communication between fly galleries
Safety curtains: Metallic panel EI-60, which can hold fire up to 60 minutes, is used for isolate the stage from the auditorium.
Stage lift
We install stage lifts in the stage floor, which can be used to elevate any element from under stage. Many times are used in orchestra spectacles.
Strong Stage specialists have the certification required to install the prestigious international brand Spiralift. This is a lift system created by a Canadian company called Paco Corporation. It is based on spiral columns that allow elements to rise to the stage very quickly and safely with no need of unused space in the bottom and without drilling holes in the ground because the body can be stored in a column at a maximum space of 60 cm.

Stage curtains
Strong Stage design and install all stage curtains that can be hand or winch operated. Staging Trussing & Lighting, S.L. will always make it according to today’s security regulations.
Open front:
Main curtain
Main border
House tabs
Black curtain
Chain hoists
These motors can be installed at various points of the stage and are used to raise specific things, being able to withstand very heavy weights. Strong Stage has ProLyft chain motors, which are distributed exclusively in Spain by Staging Trussing & Lighting, S.L. They are known for offering a lifetime warranty. Each motor has an electronic memory that stores the entire history of the device and allows the owner to keep equipment checks up to date. The device will remain in warranty if they are made regularly.
Main features:
Lightweight, small and compact.
Strong, robust and resilient.
Aluminium frame.
Low noise (68dB).
High Lift capacity (136-2000kg).
Multiple voltage motor.
Compliance with all rules and safety European and American standards.
Easy maintenance.
Regulation and control
Staging Trussing & Lighting, S.L. is specialized in regulation and control of lighting since its launch to the market in 1988. Therefore Strong Stage brand has a wide range of references of standard products and the ability to develop and adapt all kinds of customized products, to deal with any requirement related to this area.
In this section we include:
Lighting desks and controllers
Lighting battens
Connection boxes
Architectural lighting systems
All these products are designed and manufactured by the R&D laboratory of Staging Trussing & Lighting, S.L.

Líneas de vida
Con la finalidad de crear una instalación segura, Strong Stage instala el sistema de protección anticaída de la marca Latchways. Los productos de la familia de líneas de vida son fabricados según las normas internacionales más rigurosas y utilizando sólo los mejores materiales.
Antes de ser instalados han sido sometidos a numerosos ensayos de materiales y a un riguroso control.
Apart from the work areas described above, Stage Strong is also specialized in the infrastructure equipment described below:
Safety curtains: Security equipment placed at the front of the stage and used to separate the stage area of the stalls in case of emergency. (EI-60 metal panel)
Harlequins: Corporeal or fabrics, they are used to determine or modify the amplitude of the front of the stage.
Guard lights: Working light (white and blue), emergency lighting, etc.
Removable decks: Strong Stage distributes exclusively in Spain the prestigious platforms of a Prolyte brand
Towers of street: Stairs placed in the stage lateral for lighting shows which allows different distributions of the projectors. They can be hung in the galleries or stand in the ground.
Transport trolleys
Emergency equipment
Strong Stage is certified by Gala Theatrical Equipment (Paco Corporation). They authorize Staging Trussing & Lighting, S.L. to be official installer of the prestigious Spiralift system which is used to hide theatrical seats and elevate platforms. Spiralift is a system with numerous advantages compared to conventional hydraulic systems