The installation of stage machinery, spectacular lighting and stage curtains have been designed by Strong Stage. Auditorio Valey is located at Piedras Blancas (Castrillón Council, Asturias, Spain).
The actions, which took place in the stage area, consisted primarily of the following:
•Stage machinery: Motor and manual systems to support and move heavy weight elements (set of counterweight pulleys, manual winch, etc.), motorized trolley for maintenance, chain hoist, suspension products made of aluminium truss and Digi Plus motor control system.
•Stage curtains: Motorized open front curtains, drop curtains and black curtain (border, legs and backdrop).
•Spectacular lighting: Light control desk, Power 24-3 EM dimmer, full installation of DMX-512 network, PC and profile projectors, panorama projectors, PAR projectors, Universal Box System boxes, street towers, elevator for maintenance and metallic structure to support projectors.
These works became an infrastructure installation for shows tailored to the needs and customer requirements.
Web: www.valeycentrocultural.org
Ficha técnica - Equipamento escénico

“Social Antzokia” theatre placed in Basauri, near Bilbao (Bizkaia, Spain), was reopened. Strong Stage designed and carried out construction works related to stage machinery and expansion of the existing spectacular lighting.
The works in this theatre are described below:
•Stage machinery: Motor system to support and move heavy weight elements, chain hoist and Digi Plus motor control system.
•Spectacular lighting: Power 6-3 TR dimmer, dimmer rack boxes adjustment, new installation of the entire DMX-512 network, PC and profile projectors, panorama projectors and Universal Box System elements.
Stage Strong designed the new facility from the existing one in order to adapt to new demands theatre and prepare it for future use.
Web: www.socialantzokia.com

“La Faràndula” is a theatre in Sabadell which was reformed by StrongStage. The actions took place on the stage machinery. The following is a description of the work carried out:
•Stage machinery: Replacement counterweight system with motorised one and installation of Digi Plus motor control.
Theatre was adapted to new needs of the customer in order to upgrade the facility and carry out new shows whose works require these elements.
Web: www.sabadell.cat/Sortim!/p/Farandula_cat.asp

StrongStage. designed and installed all the elements related to stage engineering (spectacular lighting, stage machinery and stage curtains) of the new theatre “la Lira” in Tremp (Lleida). Moreover, a platform and architectural lighting were incorporated to this space.
•Stage machinery: Solduct S.L customized the support for moving and fixed elements of the installation. It is made from high quality aluminium.
•Spectacular lighting: Strong lighting products were installed to build the full DMX-512 network. All of them are controlled by a centralized Nocturne Stage Control desk. In this installation there are installed all type of lighting projectors such as PC, profile, panorama, PAR and Led PAR.
•Stage curtains: Solduct S.L installed all the curtains of the installation, both fixed and movable.
•Platform: In some cases, this installation is an example, it is necessary to elevate actors and actresses, orchestras or different elements, from under stage. Solduct S.L. installed the Spiralift platform in “la lira” theatre which increases the possibilities of this space.
•Architectural lighting: By means of ARQ system, “la lira” theatre has a programmable hall lighting system that can be controlled by the Nocturne Stage Control desk.
All the works were carried out during 2011 and were designed starting from the customer requirements and giving advice about the best options along the process.

StrongStage carried out with the conditioning of the stage of “Espai l’Amistat” which is a centre placed in Premià de Mar, near Barcelona. The works developed in this space had elements and systems of the three brands: Strong, Strong Stage and the audiovisual one. They consisted of: spectacular lighting, stage machinery, stage curtains, electroacoustics and video-projection.
•Spectacular lighting: Strong installed the complete DMX-512 network and all the necessary elements to have a new lighting system. Among them there was a Strong programmable desk (Nocturne 24-48 DMX), some Strong dimmers and some other essential products specially designed for this installation, such as Universal Boxes or DMX accessories.
•Stage machinery: Solduct Stage installed the mechanical elements to support, up and down all type of objects that are used in a stage installation. They are controlled by Motor Digi controllers.
•Stage curtains: All the curtains of the installation, both fixed and movable, were installed.
•Electroacoustics: Audiovisual brand of Solduct S.L designed the acoustic system that concerns all related to the sound working with the best marks of the market.
•Video projection: AV brand installed a complete video system to convert the centre into a modern space where they can project visual presentations, videos, etc.
Web: www.espailamistat.cat

Strong Stage carried out some works in the Barcelona historical theatre, “Gran Teatre del Liceu”, and the “Conservatori del Liceu”. Theatre works were the enlargement and remodelling of the lighting installation and stage structure, while the conservatory ones were the adaptation of 3 rehearsal rooms and the auditorium.
Products designed and/or installed in Liceu were: •Spectacular lighting: Special profile projectors which were specifically required by the customer, erses for lower lighting, preparation of various led sets and the lighting of them.
•Stage machinery: Aluminium structure.
Theatre installation was renovated with the aim of improving and increasing, even more, the quality of the functions which are carried out in it.
Apart from that, the conservatorium (“Conservatori del Liceu”) was also improved with the following works:
•Spectacular lighting: The products and systems were projectors and the control of the whole installation (not only the scenic one but the guard lighting) and installation of the DMX digital net.
•Stage machinery: Metallic support structures, chain hoist and digital control of all the motors installed, were some of the machinery installed in that auditorium.
To sum up, the “Conservatori del Liceu” (auditorium and 3 rehearsal rooms) was adapted for high-quality professional purposes.
Web: www.liceubarcelona.cat

“Teatro Real” in Madrid was brought up to date with lighting and spectacular effects.
•Spectacular lighting: Specifically required projectors and other special projectors, like flash ones, were installed.
•Effects: Strong machines for making spectacular effects with foam and smoke.
The theatre was renovated and converted for the actual theatre functions.
Web: www.teatro-real.com

This innovative building situated in Valencia, “Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia”, incorporates some products manufactured and installed by Strong and Strong Stage:
•Spectacular lighting: Projectors and different sort of Universal Box System products were installed.
•Guard lighting: Pilot Series, which are led lighting units, were installed in order to create a low power consumption facility.
•Stage machinery: Aluminium structure made up by truss.
Web: www.lesarts.com

The “Teatre Auditori La Vila Joiosa” is an auditorium located near Alicante which was converted to face up new demands of any theatre of its characteristics and dimensions.
The works carried out in the building were:
•Spectacular lighting: Installation of the lighting and the full lighting system associated to it.
•Stage machinery: The mechanical systems were adapted to the theatre space.
•Stage curtains: Special textiles were installed. •Acoustics: A chamber concert was installed for creating a perfect acoustics and having the sound controlled.
Strong Stage dealt with the design and implementation of all that related to the lighting and adaptation of the new space for scenic purposes.
Web: www.villajoyosa.com/sites/teatreauditori

“Teatre Principal” in Alcoi was remodelled and Strong Stage dealt with the installation of the stage machinery and everything related to the scenic lighting.
•Spectacular lighting: Not only the spectacular one but the architectural.
•Stage machinery: The mechanical parts of the old theatre were changed. The new structure and stage machinery was adapted to the last trends related to theatre functions.
•Stage curtains: Special textiles.
•Acoustics: The customer requested for a concert chamber to create an acoustic space for professional purposes. Strong Stage designed and implemented entirely the scenic facility in order to convert the space into the one required by the customer.

“MIRA Teatro” is located near Madrid. Strong Stage converted this spectacular building into a space prepared for any kind of theatre functions. The works carried out in the building were:
•Spectacular lighting: Installation of the spectacular lighting and the architectural one.
•Stage machinery: Adaptation of the mechanical systems (manual and motorized) to the building structure.
•Stage curtains: Special textiles.
•Acoustics: A concert chamber was installed for improving the theatre acoustics.
“MIRA Teatro” is a modern complex at which all kind of theatrical and/or musical shows can be carried out in perfect conditions for the audience and the staff.
Web: www.culturapozuelo.es

“La Passió” theatre located in Esparreguera (Catalunya) was adapted with some stage platforms installed and calculated by Strong Stage
•Platforms: Some units were installed for elevating heavy loads from under stage, such as orchestra, actors and actress, etc.
As a official installer in Spain of the prestigious platform systems Spiralift of Paco Corporation. For more information see the Strong Stage “Products” section: “Platforms”.
Web: www.lapassio.net

Strong Stage carried out the enlargement of the “Teatre Lliure” in Montjuïc, Barcelona.
•Aluminium structure: Strong Stage installed an aluminium motorized structure for exteriors which is moved by chain hoist.
These works fitted out an external space for all kind of shows.
Web: www.teatrelliure.com

Apart from theatres and auditoriums, Strong Stage designs other types of lighting facilities with specific uses which are adapted to any kind of requirement, as lighting fountains. One of these projects was implemented in a South Korean city: Goyang
•Spectacular lighting: The fountain lighting, which was specially designed and manufactured by Strong, was created in order to support the most adverse conditions of moisture.
•Effects: Moreover, some special effect machines for making haze and smoke were added. Solduct S.L. executes all kind of lighting projects customized by our customers and adapted to their applications.

“Auditori de Girona” is an auditorium situated in Girona (Catalunya), which has an innovative acoustic system carried out by Strong Stage.
•Spectacular lighting: All the lighting units and systems were installed by Strong.
•Theatre accessories: It incorporates some special decks for the stage.
•Acoustics: This space has installed an innovative system which consists of motorized panels which are adjustable for any acoustic requirement. For this reason, the “Auditori de Girona” is a versatile and high quality acoustic facility. Strong Stage created a space in which the most demanding functions and applications can be carried out.
Web: www.auditorigirona.org

Strong Stage carried out the conversion of that old theatre into an up-to-date complex. The theatre is located in San Bartolomé de la Torre (Huelva, Andalucía). The works were:
•Spectacular lighting: All sort of projectors were installed: profile, PAR, PC and panorama, as well as the lighting control and dimmers to complete the lighting system.
•Stage machinery: Manual and motorized systems were calculated and implemented in order to move vertically heavy loads on the stage. •Stage curtains: Special textiles and structures to create the open front and the house tabs.
•Electroacoustics: Sound system and public address system.
•Video projection: Multimedia projection system.
All these works increased and improved the theatre features and make it a multifunctional complex where there can be all kind of shows and video projections.
Web: http://teatromunicipalsanbartolome.blogspot.com.es/